Bookmobile Cat Mystery, #9

My Review
This is book 9 in the Bookmobile Cat Mystery series. Minnie Hamilton is the MC. She is a librarian and also runs and drives the bookmobile. Her cat Eddie is super smart and expressive (to which I’m sure he’d give me a solid Mrrr!) and he rides with her on bookmobile days. I enjoy trying to figure out what Eddie’s Mrrr’s mean before the author gives her idea on it. He really cracks me up sometimes.
In this mystery, two local cyclists from a local club are killed (at different times) and Minnie sets out to find out why and who did it. The mystery itself is okay, but not the best in this series. I thought it dragged a little, but not too bad.
The things I like most about this series are the characters. I like Minnie, but I love Eddie and enjoy Minnie’s relationships with the other characters, like her fiance Rafe, her aunt and her boyfriend, and the others who ride on the bookmobile and work at the library. This installment brings in a new sleuthing sidekick for Minnie and she was a lot of fun, even if a lot of the shared references weren’t ones I recognized.
I love the bookmobile and the whole concept of bookmobiles, too. After reading this, I spent several days looking into how I could make a Little Library here in our building. I haven’t completely decided where, but I am still working on ideas in my head.
I also like that Minnie goes into some detail about how libraries/bookmobiles run and the problems they face with financing, maintenance, weather conditions, etc.
I’d recommend this to anyone who enjoys cozies about libraries, librarians, books, and cats.
Goodreads Blurb
Librarian Minnie Hamilton and her clever cat Eddie solve a purr-fect murder, in the newest installment of the delightful Bookmobile Cat Mystery series.
Minnie and her rescue cat Eddie can often be found out and about in their bookmobile near Chilson, Michigan, delivering great reads to grateful patrons all over the county. But they always brake for trouble, and when Minnie sees a car speeding away down the road, and soon comes upon a dead bicyclist, she assumes she just missed seeing a hit-and-run.
Minnie is determined to discover who was behind the wheel, but it soon turns out that things are far more complicated than they seem and there’s more to this case than meets the eye. Luckily, this librarian is ready to read the killer his rights.